My child is (or will be) in Secondary 2

The second year of high school is a big step since it is the last year of Secondary Cycle 1. Your child is already more comfortable with his school and the different subjects being studied.

You may have already observed changes in his attitude, and he may have distanced himself from the “family nest” to try and stand on his own two feet.

Each young person evolves at their own rhythm, according to what he knows about himself, his interests, his values and what he knows about school and the labor market. The information presented in this section is for informational purposes only. Sometimes young people already know themselves very well and know exactly what they want to do in the future, while for others, the process is slower, and the decision can be made much later.

Don’t be too concerned. Follow your child’s lead and encourage him with the help of the advice you will find in this site…

If your child has particular challenges (attention problems, school difficulties, dropping out, etc.) we invite you to visit the Special needs section to help you support them with these different issues.