Educational pathways

From elementary to the end of Secondary Cycle 1, all students follow the same education program. After the second year of high school, students are offered important subject and program choices. This is called choosing a school path. With that in mind, students must learn to make their choices, develop their talents and get to know themselves better.

The two general education paths lead to the same secondary school diploma (DES) and both offer solid, high-quality education. It is only the way of learning that changes, depending on the characteristics of each course. Note that not all schools offer both paths.

General Education Path

This program is intended for the “researcher” type student. It offers more theoretical than practical learning, which leads to a high school diploma and prepares students as much for higher education in cégep or university, as for the job market or vocational training. Students enjoy learning theories and general principles. They prefer to learn by observing or imagining.

For the student who likes…

  • to understand the “why” of things.
  • to research and be well-informed.
  • intellectual activities and abstract tasks.
  • to think and observe before acting.
  • to ask questions, investigate phenomena and discuss.
  • experiment.

For the student who is…

  • an observer.
  • methodical, orderly and thoughtful.
  • endowed with a critical mind and good communicator.
  • Science and technology (ST) in Secondary 3 and 4
  • Optional course in Secondary 3, among the choices offered by the school. Some schools also offer the Personal Orientation Project (POP) as an option: check with school board or school service centre officials for more information.

The Science and Technology (ST) program

The Science and Technology (ST) program focuses on the study of scientific problems arising from the living world, the technological world, the material world and “Earth and Space.” Students work mainly in a science laboratory and sometimes in a technology workshop.

  • This is a predominantly scientific program.
  • The student will be required to work more frequently in the science laboratory and occasionally in the technology workshop.
  • The student will try to understand, explain and experience different scientific and technological phenomena.
  • Students will carry out various projects allowing them to apply their knowledge in their everyday lives.
  • The starting point is a scientific phenomenon.

Applied General Education Path

In this program we find the “engineer” type student. The courses are practical and focused on trials and applications. This path leads to a high school diploma and prepares students as much for higher education in cégep or university, as for the job market or vocational training. Students in this path are more interested in manipulation and active learning: They like to do, instead of watch.

For the student who likes…

  • to understand the “how” of things.
  • to do practical activities, manual work.
  • making objects and working with tools.
  • to understand how objects work.
  • electronic gadgets.

For the student who is…

  • endowed with a practical mind.
  • spontaneous and active.
  • inventive.
  • curious about how things work.
  • adventurous.
  • Applied Science and Technology (AST) Secondary 3 and 4
  • Personal Orientation Project (POP), obligatory in Secondary 3

Applied Science and Technology (AST)

The Applied Science and Technology (AST) program spends more time in the technology workshop. This course deals with the living universe, the technological universe, the material universe and “Earth and Space” from the point of view of applications related to different technical fields (e.g., agri-food, energy, transport, etc.).

  • This is a predominantly technical course.
  • The student will be required to work more frequently in a technology workshop and occasionally in a science laboratory.
  • The student will work on the design, production or analysis of technical objects.
  • The starting point of laws and theories is technological application (e.g., medical, transportation, construction technologies).

Personal Orientation Project (POP)

In this course, students explore various trades and professions through experiments, research or visits, allowing them to reflect on the decisions they will have to make in the short, medium or long term. Students must share their journey with their peers and express what they have learned about themselves. By doing so they learn to carry out an exploratory process – a skill that will be useful throughout their lives.